It seems that the old adage is true, “you are what you eat”. Research suggests that the food we eat, and the bacteria in our gut, has a direct impact on the chemicals that our brain uses to communicate, also known as neurotransmitters. These chemicals are created in the gut as well as the brain which is why diet and nutrition is so linked with mental health. This connection between what we eat, and our brain is called the Gut-Brain Axis and connects the intestines, and other bodily systems, with the central nervous system.
Interestingly, much of the well-known neurotransmitter Serotonin is created in the gut. Serotonin promotes feelings of happiness, calm, and relaxation. Eating the amino acid Tryptophan is one of the ways we can produce more serotonin. Foods high in tryptophan include:
Written by: Alexandra Jade Adalbert, LPCA, MS
April 2024
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