Grades 9 & 10 Learning, exploring, discovering and planning. Students begin to think about their future goals in terms of interests and skills, identify high school opportunities that support post secondary goals and learn what to expect from the post secondary planning process. Services Include: Once a month in person or virtual meeting and unlimited emails
Reviewing the student’s current and future curriculum
Career and interest exploration using online assessments
Developing a schedule for taking appropriate standardized tests, and discussing test preparation options
Assisting in identifying early college opportunities
Discussing extracurricular interests, school activities and personal hobbies, summer involvements and programs, volunteer and/or employment opportunities, and specialized study options
Making recommendations on activities and summer plans
Developing a list of colleges and/or universities that fit the student’s academic and personal profile, goals, and preferences
Post secondary goal setting
Study skills resources
Explaining the college admissions process and timeline
Reviewing post secondary costs and financial aid process with families
Investment = $250 per month *additional meetings by request at an hourly rate of $200.
Why start planning early?
One thing that all college counselors can agree on is that starting the post secondary planning process early is a great idea. But planning early is not about putting too much pressure on students about their futures too soon. Actually it's the opposite. Starting the planning process for college during freshman year helps to prevent more stress later on as students approach graduation. Post secondary planning in 9th and 10th grade doesn’t have to include a focus on SAT or ACT preparation or asking students to pick a major and college their first day of school. The process should help students adjust to rigor of balancing coursework, activities, and test prep down the line and focus on seeking out challenging courses, exploring different interests and activities, and focusing on being a successful learner. By setting students on the right path now, they’ll avoid a lot of unnecessary stress in the future because they will have laid a solid foundation that can be built upon as they continue their post secondary planning throughout high school.
Schedule a Free Consultation
If you would like to learn more about how my services can support your child in their post secondary planning, schedule a free 30 minute consultation by clicking below.